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This two-day expert meeting is dedicated to the discussion and comparison of new approaches to organize, analyze and visualize large bodies of archival information.  Archives like the ars electronica archive present themselves as massive collections of heterogeneous and, in some ways, conflicting data organized in many different formats. In order to make sense of this information, traditional database structures and query interfaces are not sufficient.

At the same time, it becomes more and more important to connect and contextualize information resources that already exist. For example, the past ten years have seen numerous initiatives for the documentation and preservation of media art, each contributing to the knowledge in the field. However, their content is usually fragmentary and employs a different form of knowledge organization. This workshop is also dedicated to current approaches that can help to bridge these islands of information. We will compare methods for the exploration,  contextualization and disambiguation of information through computational analysis, social approaches and interaction design. We will also discuss frameworks for knowledge architectures that are flexible enough to accommodate heterogeneous and often ambiguous information. We will bring together international experts who work in relevant areas, such as machine learning, visual analytics, knowledge technologies and interface design.




First slide of my presentation