Thank you for participating in our survey. The results of this survey will be used to help improve Excite services.
2. Describe your current search topic (e.g., Looking for information on health care companies with offices in Minneapolis who . . . ):
3. List your query terms for your current topic (e.g., health care, Minneapolis . . . ):
4. Status of your information gathering on your current topic? Click --> Beginning project Still gathering information Completing
5. How many times have you used Excite to find information on your current topic? First time user 2-5 times 6-10 times 11-15 times 15-20 times 20+ times
6. If you have used Excite previously for information on your current topic, have your search query terms changed since your first search of Excite? Yes No
7. Have you found relevant information on your current topic using Excite? Yes No
8. What other sources have you used or do you plan to use to find the information on your current topic? Other Web Browsers Databases, e.g., DIALOG Libraries Human sources Print sources, e.g., newspapers, magazines Others
9. Comments on any of the above questions or related issues:
10. Your age? Under 10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+
11. Your gender? Female Male
12. Number of hours per week you use a computer? Under 5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+
13. Average number of hours per week you use the Internet? Under 5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+
14. Type of Internet Domain you use? Educational Commercial Governmental Military Organizational Personal Other
15. Your occupation? Technical Executive/Manager Consultant Faculty/Academic Professional Student Clerical Marketing Self-Employed Research and Development Management Service Personnel Other
16. Highest level of education? High School Vocational Some College Bachelors Masters Ph.D. Professional
17. Your location? North America Latin America Central America Australasia United Kingdom Western Europe Eastern Europe Scandanavia Middle East China/HongKong/Taiwan Korea Japan South Asia/India South East Asia Africa Other
18. Which platform do you use? X/UNIX PC/IBM (Compatible) Macintosh (Compatible) Line-mode NeXTStep VMS Other
Comments or Questions: [email protected]