Information Research:
an international electronic journal
Editor in Chief: Professor Tom Wilson ([email protected])
Regional Editor, Luso-Hispanic Countries: Professor José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz ([email protected])
Associate Editor (Book Reviews): Dr. Elena Macevičiūtė
Information Research uses a response form to collect its information from referees, but encourages general comments on the paper presented. In making those comments we expect you to consider the following questions (although not necessarily in this order):
Is the subject of the paper a sufficiently significant issue or problem to warrant publication?
Is the argument soundly presented, supported by appropriately analysed data and effectively organized?
Are the conclusions supported by the research findings?
If statistical analysis is employed, are the methods appropriate to the nature of the data? If any other mathematical methods are used, are they used correctly and presented effectively?
Are there particular reasons why electronic publication is appropriate and has the paper been designed to take advantage of electronic publication?
Are the citations given up-to-date, and do they give a reasonably complete background to the research reported? Are there any significant omissions?
Are the title and abstract sufficiently informative and appropriate for the paper?
Over all, is the paper interesting, effectively presented and potentially useful?
Which area of potential readership of Information Research does the paper address?
Thank you for your help
Professor Tom Wilson
Evaluation Form
Paper title:
Date sent:
Date due for return:
Please note that all contributions for Information Research are evaluated by electronic communication only. You should save a copy of this form, complete it for the paper received and then attach it to an e-mail message to the Editor: [email protected] - or to the Regional Editor from whom you received the paper.
Your comments in the first section are for use by the Editorial Team only and will not be conveyed to the author(s). Please use the next section for comments that are intended to help the author(s) with revisions or that state reasons for rejection. In all cases, please give comments that are constructively critical and helpful.
Section 1: Your evaluation of the paper.
| Very Good | Good | Fair | Poor | Very poor |
Significance of the research issue | | | | | |
Originality of approach & presentation | | | | | |
Methodology | | | | | |
Organization, structure, clarity of expression. | | | | | |
Validity of conclusions | | | | | |
Recognition of existing literature; quality of citations | | | | | |
Your recommendation
Accept the paper without revision: ___
Accept the paper but require minor changes: ___
Major revision needed before acceptance: ___
Reject the paper: ___
Section 2 Comments intended for the author(s)
[Because your identify is unknown to the author(s) please do not address them by name, even if you know them personally. Your comments should be as objective as possible and designed to help the author(s) achieve a publishable paper.]
Information Research is published and maintained by Professor Tom Wilson, last updated 2nd June 2002.