Some visualizations & exploration tools for the Peace Agreements Database

This is a list of links to visual tools for the Peace Agreements Database and, specially, for the Cease Fire Agreements.

Second Iteration [on development]:

  1. PAX on Area [version 2]: 1789 agreements - April 2020. This is the representation of all peace agreements in PA-X databe at April 16th: 1789 documents. There are two flavors of Area, simple and Detailed:
  2. Ceasefires on Area [version 2]: 693 agreements - March 2020, It includes a collection of 693 Ceasefire agreements in two flavors: simple or detailed. The 693 CF agreements come from: 325 CeaseFire agreements, and 368 related to CeaseFires (according to Christine filters). The date of update is March 23th 2020.

First Iteration [December 2019]:

Cease Fire Agreements Version 1 > 369 agreements - September 2019;

  1. AREA: Explore de collection of 369 Ceasefire agreements in two flavors: simple or detailed
  2. Cease Fire CHARTS:
  3. Cease Fire WORDCLOUDS:
    About wordstrms:ç
    The objective of this project is to generate word storms, multiples of word clouds to afford visual comparison of groups of documents. Just as a storm is a group of clouds, a word storm is a group of word clouds.

All Peace Agreements on August 2019 (1789 agreements):

  1. Peace Agreements in Area