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Aprticle at "ElComercio" newspaper [In Spanish]José Carlos Mariátegui: Amauta digital >>

Detail of Mariátegui' network diagrams

Detail of Mariátegui' network diagrams

I'm presenting three works on data visualization and exploration for the Mariátegui digital archive (Lima, Perú, 2019). We have been working with two collections of the archive: the Amauta magazine and the mails of José Carlos Mariátegui.
The Amauta collection (32 issues, from 1923 to 1930) is exhibitet at Museum R. Sofia (Madrid).
The Avant-garde Networks of Amauta: Argentina, Mexico, and Peru in the 1920s. From 20 February to 27 May, 2019 / Sabatini Building, 3rd Floor.
Around Amauta magazine I developed two interfaces that allow you to explore and read the contents of the magazine in new ways.
On the conserved mails, you will find a set of twenty-five diagrams that show the communications that José Carlos Mariáhad by mail from 1923 to 1930. The diagrams focus on: people, countries, regions, cities and topics.
Amauta explored Data: List of articles published in Amauta' issues and the metadata related to each one.
Visualization: a tool called Area has been customized for this collection. Area reorders of more than 80 representations of the collection, thus bringint a sort of kaleidoscopic mode.
Crossreading Amauta Data: Transcript of the 1110 articles published in the 32 issues of Amauta magazine. A topic model analysis has been applied to this collection, combined with a human labelling process that I developed in my Aussi thesis at the University of Canberra.
Visualization: A navigation tool is presented to read the articles of the collection in a non-linear way, allowing the readers to experiment a derive across themes.
LaRed (TheNet) Mariátegui Data: the texts of the letters and their related metadata, including: senders and destinations, names and places.
Visualization: Twenty-five diagrams are presented.
Authors and Licenses Proposal and code development: Jaume Nualart Vilaplana Data, extraction, transformation and cleaning: Ana Torres Terrones and Jaume Nualart Vilaplana José Carlos Mariátegui: Ana Torres Terrones. Curator, producer and advisor: José Carlos Mariátegui (grandson) License of the data and the we code: Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons License.