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Volume 5 No 3 April 2000

Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson of the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, in association with
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(Regional Editor, Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh)
University of Tampere, Finland
(Regional Editor, Dr. Reijo Savolainen)
Pennsylvania State University, USA
(Regional Editor, Dr. Amanda Spink)
University of Vilnius, Lithuania
(Regional Editor, Dr. Elena Maceviciute)

ISSN 1368-1613



Refereed Papers

Search features of digital libraries, by Alastair G. Smith, School of Communications and Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Information management and technology strategy in healthcare: local timescales and national requirements, by Les Smith, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology & Hugh Preston, Department of Information and Library Studies
University of Wales Aberystwyth

Working Papers

Public use of the Internet at Chester library, UK., by Katherine Turner, Chester Library, Cheshire, UK & Margaret Kendall, Department of Information and Communications, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

Recent trends in user studies: action research and qualitative methods, T.D. Wilson, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Business information culture: a qualitative study of the information culture in the Finnish insurance industry, by Gunilla Widén-Wulff, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

The impact of personality and approaches to learning on information behaviour, by Jannica Heinström, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Research Report  new

ballUncertainty in Information Seeking. Final report to the British Library Research and Innovation Centre/Library and Information Commission on a research project carried out at the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield.

ballConference announcement  ISIC 2000: Information Seeking in Context: The Third International Conference on Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts. G�teborg, Sweden, August 16-18, 2000

ballConference announcement: Library Research Seminar II Partners and connections: research and practice. University of Maryland; November 2-3, 2001

Electronic dissertations


Identification of ß-sheet motifs in three-dimensional protein structures, using a subgraph isomorphism algorithm: an update of a 1992 study, by Ruth V. Spriggs, MSc in Information Management, 1998/1999

Exploring the development of the independent, electronic, scholarly journal, by Alison Wells, MSc in Information Management, 1998/1999

XML: the future of web markup? by Elliott Pritchard, MSc in Information Management, 1998/1999


ballWorld List of Departments and Schools of Information Studies, Information Management, Information Systems, etc.

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Information Research is published and maintained by Professor Tom Wilson. Design and Editorial content © T.D. Wilson 1996-2000