The case of the news search engine: an exploratory empirical analysis of Google News
Tanni, Mikko |
Prospective history teachers' information behaviour in lesson planning |
Tarapanoff, Kira A.M. |
Information needs and information competencies: a case study of the off-site supervision of financial institutions in Brazil |
Intelligence obtained by applying data mining to a database of French theses on the subject of Brazil |
Tate, Mary |
Bringing human information behaviour into information systems research: an application of systems modelling |
Taylor, R. |
Determining the information needs of small and medium-sized enterprises: a critical success factor analysis. |
Tennis, J.T. |
Term based comparison metrics for controlled and uncontrolled indexing languages |
Terwel, Jan |
Students' use of Web literacy skills and strategies: searching, reading and evaluating Web information |
Thelwall, Mike |
The BBC, Telegraph and Wikinews timelines of the London attacks: a comparison with contemporary discussions |
Webometrics: emergent or doomed? |
What is this link doing here? Beginning a fine-grained process of identifying reasons for academic hyperlink creation |
Which types of news story attract bloggers? |
Thivant, Eric |
Analysis of information sources representation for financial product design: new perspectives for information seeking and use behaviour. |
Information seeking and use behaviour of economists and business analysts. |
Thomsen, Steven R. |
Ethnomethodology and the study of online communities: exploring the cyber streets |
Thórsteinsdóttir, Gudr�n |
Information-seeking behaviour of distance learning students |
Tibar, Aiki |
Critical Success Factors and information needs in Estonian industry |
Tilley, C.M. |
A model for the development of virtual communities for people with long-term, severe physical disabilities |
Ting, I-Hsien |
Combining ethnographic and clickstream data to identify user Web browsing strategies |
Todd, R.J. |
From information to knowledge: charting and measuring changes in students' knowledge of a curriculum topic |
The 'information search process' revisited: is the model still useful? |
Tomic. Taeda |
Philosophy of information as underlying and unifying theory of information science |
Törmä, Sanna |
Discipline, availability of electronic resources and the use of Finnish National Electronic Library - FinELib. |
Torrado Morales, Susana |
El efecto de las noticias de alto impacto en los servicios de documentación: el caso del atentado terrorista del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid en la prensa española. |
Tötterman, Anna-Karin |
What a social capital perspective can bring to the understanding of information sharing in a university context |
Tramullas, Jesús |
Constructing Web subject gateways using Dublin Core, the Resource Description Framework and Topic Maps |
Tsou, H.T. |
Information technology adoption for service innovation practices and competitive advantage: the case of financial firms |
Tuominen, Kimmo |
'Whoever increases his knowledge merely increases his heartache.' Moral tensions in heart surgery patients' and their spouses' talk about information seeking |
Turk, Ziga |
The Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon): an open access journal using an un-paid, volunteer-based organization. |
Turner, Deborah |
Conceptualizing oral documents |
Investigating oral information |
Turner, Janet |
Validating coding for a theoretical model of information behaviour |
Turner, Kathleen |
Public use of the Internet at Chester library, UK. |
Uden, Lorna |
An activity-theory-based model to analyse Web application requirements |
Urbano, Cristóbal |
The evolution of recent research on Catalan literature through the production of PhD theses: a bibliometric and social network analysis. |
Urquhart, Christine |
Bridging information requirements and information needs assessment: do scenarios and vignettes provide a link? |
Systematic reviewing, meta-analysis and meta-synthesis for evidence-based library and information science |
Using participant or non-participant observation to explain information behaviour |
Validating coding for a theoretical model of information behaviour |
Usherwood, Bob |
Total quality management, British Standard accreditation, Investors in People and academic libraries |
An investigation into the impact of the Sheffield Libraries strike |
Uysal, Osman |
Agricultural information systems and communication networks: the case of dairy farmers in the Samsun province of Turkey |
Vaagen, Robert |
Intellectual property rights vs. public access rights: ethical aspects of the DeCSS decryption program |
Vaast, Emmanuelle |
Intranets in French firms: evolutions and revolutions. |
Vakkari, Pertti |
Discipline, availability of electronic resources and the use of Finnish National Electronic Library - FinELib |
Keynote address: Trends and approaches in information behaviour research |
Valderas, Pedro |
An activity-theory-based model to analyse Web application requirements |
Valenciano Valcárcel, Javier |
Análisis comparativo de la calidad de las revistas científico-técnicas españolas de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (2000-2005) |
Valiente, Lourdes |
Construcci�n de estrategias sistem�ticas para la b�squeda exhaustiva de informaci�n en Internet: un marco de toma de decisiones aplicado a la informaci�n sobre psicolog�a de la salud |
Valles, Javier |
Desempe�o de becarios Mexicanos en la producci�n de conocimiento cientifico . de la bibliometria a la politica cientifica? |
Vårheim, Andreas |
Public libraries, social capital and low intensive meeting places |
Vega-Almeida, Rosa Lidia |
Coordenadas paradigmáticas, históricas y epistemológicas de la Ciencia de la Información: una sistematización. |
Vianello, Marina |
Criterios para la evaluaci�n de la usabilidad de los recursos educativos virtuales: un an�lisis desde la alfabetizaci�n en informaci�n |
Viera, Angel Freddy Godoy |
Uma revis�o dos algoritmos de radicaliza��o em l�ngua portuguesa |
Vieira da Cunha, Miriam |
The information professional's profile: an analysis of Brazilian job vacancies on the Internet |
Vilar, Polona |
Information seeking and information retrieval curricula development for modules taught in two library and information science schools: the cases of Ljubljana and Dublin |
V�lchez Rom�n, Carlos |
Censura y tolerancia del material sexualmente expl�cito: la opini�n de los estudiantes universitarios de pregrado |
Villamón, Miguel |
Análisis comparativo de la calidad de las revistas científico-técnicas españolas de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (2000-2005) |
Virgil, Johnny |
Uma revisão dos algoritmos de radicalização em l�ngua portuguesa |
Virkus, Sirje |
Distance education as a new possibility for librarians in Estonia |
Information literacy in Europe: a literature review |
Vivas, Pep |
Construcci�n de estrategias sistem�ticas para la b�squeda exhaustiva de informaci�n en Internet: un marco de toma de decisiones aplicado a la informaci�n sobre psicolog�a de la salud |
Volman, Monique |
Students' use of Web literacy skills and strategies: searching, reading and evaluating Web information |
von Krogh, G. |
Communal resources in open source software development |
von Thaden, Terry |
Building a foundation to study distributed information behaviour |
Waldman, Micaela |
Freshmen's use of library electronic resources and self-efficacy |
Walker, D. |
Community problem-solving framed as a distributed information use environment: bridging research and practice |
Walker, Mary Ann |
A bibliometric analysis of select information science print and electronic journals in the 1990s |
Wall, JoAnna |
A bibliometric analysis of select information science print and electronic journals in the 1990s |
Walczyk, David J. |
Information professionals' attitude toward the adoption of innovations in everyday life |
Walsh, Kenneth R. |
The role of motivation and risk behaviour in software development success |
Ward, David |
Designing Internet research assignments: building a framework for instructor collaboration |
Ware, Nicole |
Finding competitive intelligence on Internet start-up companies: a study of secondary resource use and information-seeking processes |
Warner, Julian |
The public reception of the Research Assessment Exercise 1996 |
Forms of labour in information systems |
"In the catalogue ye go for men": evaluation criteria for information retrieval systems. |
Warwick, Claire |
The lowest canonical denominator: electronic literary texts, and the role of the information professional |
Wathen, C. Nadine |
An examination of the health information seeking experiences of women in rural Ontario, Canada. |
Wei, Lu |
The impacts of Internet knowledge on college students' intention to continue to use the Internet |
Weideman, M. |
The influence that JavaScriptTM has on the visibility of a Website to search engines - a pilot study |
Wells, Alison |
Exploring the development of the independent, electronic, scholarly journal |
Western, Mark |
The complementary relationship between the Internet and traditional mass media: the case of online news and information |
Whittle, M. |
Search engines: a first step to finding information: preliminary findings from a study of observed searches. |
Widén-Wulff, Gunilla |
Activity systems, information sharing and the development of organizational knowledge in two Finnish firms: an exploratory study using Activity Theory |
Business information culture: a qualitative study of the information culture in the Finnish insurance industry |
What a social capital perspective can bring to the understanding of information sharing in a university context |
Wiklund, Gunilla |
Information as social and intellectual capital in the research career: a gender perspective |
Willett, Peter |
Non-hierarchic document clustering using a genetic algorithm |
Processing morphological variants in searches of Latin text |
Stemming and N-gram matching for term conflation in Turkish texts |
Textual and chemical information processing: different domains but similar algorithms |
Molecular diversity techniques for chemical databases |
Word variant identification in Old French |
Williamson, Kirsty |
Information seeking by blind and sight impaired citizens: an ecological study. |
Information use and secondary school students: a model for understanding plagiarism |
Where information is paramount: a mixed methods multi-disciplinary investigation of Australian online investors |
Willinsky, John |
Open access on a zero budget: a case study of Postcolonial Text |
Willson, Jonathan P. |
An improved method of studying user-system interaction by combining transaction log analysis and protocol analysis |
Wilson, Thomas D. |
Business use of the World-Wide Web |
Business Use of The World Wide Web: a report on further investigations |
Conference report: Third Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication, Lund 24-25 April, 2006 |
Determining organizational information needs: the Critical Success Factors approach. |
The development of the information management research area |
Electronic publishing and the future of the book |
Factors influencing environmental scanning in the organizational context |
Information and business performance: a study of information systems and services in high-performing companies |
Information and information science: an address on the occasion of receiving the award of Doctor Honoris Causa, at the University of Murcia, 30 September, 2010 |
Information behaviour in research network building by relocated scholars in Swedish higher education: a report on a pilot project |
Information behaviour research and information systems development: the SHAMAN project, an example of collaboration |
Information on the move: the use of mobile information systems by UK Police Forces |
Information sharing: an exploration of the literature and some propositions |
The nonsense of 'knowledge management' |
On conceptual models for information seeking and retrieval research |
Publishing, bookselling and the World Wide Web |
Recent trends in user studies: action research and qualitative methods |
A re-examination of information seeking behaviour in the context of activity theory |
Scanning the business environment for information: a grounded theory approach |
Talking about the problem: a content analysis of pre-search interviews |
Tensions and contradictions in the information behaviour of Board members of a voluntary organization |
Training information services specialists in the less-favoured regions of the European Union (TRAIN-ISS) |
Using external training materials to strengthen health information management in East Africa |
Wingfield, Gabe |
A bibliometric analysis of select information science print and electronic journals in the 1990s |
Wischer, R. |
Assessment of information needs in public health in Germany: results of a nationwide survey |
Wood, Frances |
Training information services specialists in the less-favoured regions of the European Union (TRAIN-ISS) |
The impact of information on clinical decision-making by general medical practitioners |
Wright, P. |
The impact of information on clinical decision-making by general medical practitioners |
Wright, Peter |
Combining ethnographic and clickstream data to identify user Web browsing strategies |
Xie, Bo |
The mutual shaping of online and offline social relationships |
Xie, Hong (Iris) |
How do users evaluate individual documents? An analysis of dimensions of evaluation activities |
Shifts in information-seeking strategies in information retrieval in the digital age: planned-situational model |
Xu, Jack L. |
Selected results from a large study of Web searching: the Excite study |
Yakel, Elizabeth |
Seeking information, seeking connections, seeking meaning: genealogists and family historians |
Yeh, Nei-Ching |
A framework for understanding culture and its relationship to information behaviour: Taiwanese aborigines' information behaviour |
The social construction of the world of gay and lesbian people and their information behaviour |
Yeoman, Alison
| Applying McKenzie's model of information practices in everyday life information seeking in the context of the menopause transition |
Yi, Kwan |
Distribution of news information through social bookmarking: an examination of shared stories in the Delicious Website |
Yong, Sally |
How users organize electronic files on their workstations in the office environment: a preliminary study of personal information organization behaviour |
Yoon, JungWon |
Categorical and specificity differences between user-supplied tags and search query terms for images. An analysis of Flickr tags and Web image search queries |
Yoon, Kyunghye |
A study of interpersonal information seeking: the role of topic and comment in the articulation of certainty and uncertainty of information need |
The use of certainty and the role of topic and comment in interpersonal information seeking interaction |
Yoong, Pak |
Generating and analysing data for applied research on emerging technologies: a grounded action learning approach |
Yu, Hairong |
The case for curriculum reform in Australian information management
& library and information science education: Part 1. Technology and digitization as drivers. |
Yuan, Xiaojun |
Domain knowledge, search behaviour, and search effectiveness of engineering and science students: an exploratory study |
Yun, Tan Siow |
Young people's perceptions and usage of Wikipedia |
Zainal, Chia Zuhaila Bte Chia |
Young people's perceptions and usage of Wikipedia |
Zamani, Naser |
Information-seeking behaviour of Iranian extension managers and specialists |
Zhang , Huan |
How do users evaluate individual documents? An analysis of dimensions of evaluation activities |
Zhang, Mingxin |
The impacts of Internet knowledge on college students' intention to continue to use the Internet |
Zhabg, Rujin |
Perceived information needs and availability: results of a survey of small dairy farmers in Inner Mongolia |
Zhang, Xiangmin |
Domain knowledge, search behaviour, and search effectiveness of engineering and science students: an exploratory study |
Zhao, Yuanfeng |
Perceived information needs and availability: results of a survey of small dairy farmers in Inner Mongolia |
Zuccala, A. |
Managing and evaluating digital repositories |
Žumer, Maja |
Information seeking and information retrieval curricula development for modules taught in two library and information science schools: the cases of Ljubljana and Dublin |
Intuitiveness of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: a study in a broader context |
Information Research is Edited and Published by Professor Tom Wilson. Author and Subject Indexes © T.D. Wilson 1995-2008. Last update 23 September, 2008.  |