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Volume 6 No 2 January 2001

Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson of the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, in association with
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(Regional Editor, Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh)
University of Tampere, Finland
(Regional Editor, Dr. Reijo Savolainen)
Pennsylvania State University, USA
(Regional Editor, Dr. Amanda Spink)
University of Vilnius, Lithuania
(Regional Editor, Dr. Elena Maceviciute)

ISSN 1368-1613


ball Editorial

Special Issue on Taxonomy and Classification

ball Editorial - Knowledge Representation

Do citation systems represent theories of truth?, by Betsy Van der Veer Martens, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA

Where is meaning when form is gone? Knowledge representation on the Web, by Terrence A. Brooks, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Converting a controlled vocabulary into an ontology: the case of GEM, by Jian Qin & Stephen Paling, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA

Other Refereed Papers

Human issues of library and information work, by Jela Steinerová, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovak Republic

National Information Infrastructure and the realization of Singapore IT2000 initiative, by Cheryl Marie Cordeiro and Suliman Al-Hawamdeh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Use of citation analysis to predict the outcome of the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise for Unit of Assessment (UoA) 61: Library and Information Management, by Alison Holmes and Charles Oppenheim, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

  • Letter to the Editor from Ian Johnson, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen and response from Professor Charles Oppenheim
  • Refereed ISIC3 Workshop Papers

    Situating relevance: exploring individual relevance assessments in context, by Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

    Critical theory as a foundation for pragmatic information systems design, by Gerald Benoît, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

    The role of computer-mediated communication in the research process of music scholars: an exploratory investigation, by Christine D. Brown, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA

    Imposed information seeking in public libraries and school library media centers: a common behaviour?, by Melissa Gross, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA

    Accounting for users' inflated assessments of on-line catalogue search performance and usefulness: an experimental study, by Charles R. Hildreth, Long Island University, Brookville, USA

    Bridging information requirements and information needs assessment: do scenarios and vignettes provide a link? by Christine Urquhart, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

    ISIC3 Doctoral Workshop Papers

    Conference announcements

    ball  Bobcatsss symposium Open2001, 29-31 January, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Other links

    ball  World List of Departments and Schools of Information Studies, Information Management, Information Systems, etc.

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    Information Research is published and maintained by Professor Tom Wilson. Design and Editorial content © T.D. Wilson 1996-2001