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Volume 9 No 1 October, 2003


Invited paper: Brenda Dervin
Human studies and user studies: a call for methodological interdisciplinarity

Gary Burnett, Michael H. Dickey, Michelle M. Kazmer, and Katherine M. Chudoba
Inscription and interpretation of text: a cultural hermeneutic examination of virtual community

Kalervo Järvelin and T.D. Wilson
On conceptual models for information seeking and retrieval research

Barbara Niedźwiedzka
A proposed general model of information behaviour

Jannica Heinström
Five personality dimensions and their influence on information behaviour

ball  Resúmenes en Español

Watch this: corralling wild bits — one of a series of occasional columns by Terrence A. Brooks of the Information School, University of Washington, USA.


ball  Software Review: EndNote 7 and VizRef.

ball  Dupuis, Elizabeth A. Developing Web-based instruction: planning, designing, managing, and evaluating for results. London: Facet Publishing, 2003.

ball  Huberman, B.O. The laws of the Web. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001

ball  Kizza, Joseph M. Ethical and social issues in the information age. 2nd ed. New York: Springer Verlag, 2003.

ball  Lipow, Anne Grodzins. The virtual reference librarian's handlbook. Berkeley, CA/New York, NY: Library Solutions Press and Neil Schuman Publishers, 2003

ball  McKay, Duncan. Effective financial planning for library and information services. 2nd ed. London: Europa Publications, 2003.

ball  Person vs. agent: views of the computer future. Review of: Hayes-Roth, F. & Amor, D. Radical simplicity. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003 and Shneiderman, B. Leonardo's laptop. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

ball  Woolgar, Steve (ed.) Virtual society? Technology, cyberbole, reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

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Conference announcements

ball A message to Conference organizers.

Workshop on Teminology, Ontology & Knowledge Representation, Thursday 22 January 2004, Universit� Jean Moulin, Lyon 3

Thinking beyond digital libraries - designing the information strategy for the next decade, 7th International Bielefeld Conference, Bielefeld Convention Centre, 3 - 5 February 2004

ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) 2004, Dublin, Ireland, 1-3 September 2004

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Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson with technical support from Lund University, Sweden and editorial support from the Swedish School of Librarianship and Information Science, Högskolan in Borås.
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