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Bradley, P. Going online, CD-ROM and the Internet 10th ed. London: Aslib, 1997. viii+182 pp. ISBN: 085142 391 4 (No price given)

That a book has run to ten editions since first publication in 1980, indicates that there is both a need for it and that its contents require regular updating. These assumptions are both true about this book which is, in essence, a guide to establishing online, CD-ROM and Internet facilities aimed at the novice. For this reason it may be of more use now to those outside the library and information professions and to students than to those working in libraries and information services who were the original target audience. The text is written clearly and simply, there is a good glossary of the terms used, an effective index and an extensive and up to date bibliography. Substantial lists of sources and suppliers, which includes their addresses and Internet addresses, are also provided. Phil Bradley suggests answers to the following questions:

  • what are online, CD-ROMs and the Internet?
  • how are they searched?
  • who supplies associated services?
  • how are they charged for?
  • how do you decide what you need?
  • what equipment is needed?
  • how can CD-ROMs be networked within an organisation?

In addition the author discusses downloading, post processing and copyright issues and provides a case study (by Jill Bradley) of the use of online, CD-ROMs and the Internet within an organisation. Overall this book provides an excellent introduction to the topic.

Frances Wood
University of Sheffield