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Volume 11 No 2 January, 2006


Nahyun Kwon

User satisfaction with referrals at a collaborative virtual reference service

Víctor Herrero-Solana and Claudia Ríos-Gómez

Producción latinoamericana en biblioteconomía y documentación en el Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) 1966-2003

Jesús Tramullas and Piedad Garrido

Constructing Web subject gateways using Dublin Core, RDF and Topic Maps

Lillian Clark, I-Hsien Ting, Chris Kimble, Peter Wright, Daniel Kudenko

Combining ethnographic and clickstream data to identify user Web browsing strategies

Timothy C. Craven

Some features of alt texts associated with images in Web pages

ball  Resúmenes en Español

  Watch this: Greasemonkey the Web — one of a series of occasional columns by Terrence A. Brooks of the Information School, University of Washington, USA.

Call for papers: Activity Theory and Information Studies


ball  Czaja, Ronald and Blair, Johnny.Designing surveys: a guide to decisions and procedures. 2nd ed. London: Sage, 2005.

ball  Frías, José Antonio; Ríos Hilario, Ana B. (Eds.) Metodologías de investigación en Información y Documentación Salamanca: Universidad, 2004.

ball  Huysman, M. and Wulf, V. (Eds.) Social capital and information technology. Cambridge, MA; London: MIT Press, 2004

ball  Jones, R. Internet forensics. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005.

ball  Macevičiūtė, E. and Wilson, T.D. (Eds.) Introducing information management: an Information Research reader. London: Facet Publishing, 2005.

ball  Morville, Peter. Ambient findability. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2005.

ball  Orna, Elisabeth. Making knowledge visible: communicating knowledge through information products.. Aldershot: Gower, 2005.

ball  Pedley, Paul. Digital copyright. London: Facet Publishing, 2005.

ball  Punch, Keith F. Introduction to social research : quantitative and qualitative approaches. 2nd.ed. London: Sage, 2005.

ball  Rogers, R. Information politics on the Web. Boston. MA: The MIT Press., 2005.

ball  Silverstone, Roger (ed.) Media. Technology and everyday life in Europe: from information to communication. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005.

ball  Willinsky, J. The access principle: the case for open access to research and scholarship. Cambridge, MA; London: MIT Press, 2005.

ball  Software review  EndNote 9. Carlsbad, CA: Thomson ResearchSoft, 2005.

ball  Software review  Onfolio. Academic and scientific. Version 2.02 Cambridge, MA:Onfolio, Inc., 2005.

What's in the open access e-journals?

Conference announcements

ball A message to Conference organizers.

8th International Bielefeld Conference, 7 - 9 February 2006
Academic Library and Information Services: New Paradigms for the Digital Age

Third Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication
Beyond Declarations - The Changing Landscape of Scholarly Communication, 24 - 25 April 2006, Star Hotel, Lund, Sweden

Information Seeking in Context - ISIC 2006, University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 19-21 July, 2006

Information, Communication, Society. 10th Anniversary International Symposium, University of York, 20th-22nd September 2006

First International Symposium on Information Interaction in Context (IIiX) 18-20 October, 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark

Call for Chapters for a new book on Communities of Practice in Education

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Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson with technical support from Lund University, Sweden and editorial support from the Swedish School of Librarianship and Information Science, Högskolan in Borås.
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