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Volume 12 No 1 October, 2006


Invited paper

Brenda Dervin and CarrieLynn D. Reinhard

Researchers and practitioners talk about users and each other. Making user and audience studies matter—paper 1

Papers presented at ISIC 2006: the 6th Information Seeking in Context Conference, Sydney, Australia, 19-21 July, 2006 — Part II

Keynote Address, delivered by Brenda Dervin:
Brenda Dervin, Carrie Lynn D. Reinhard and Fei C. Shen

Beyond communication: research as communicating. Making user and audience studies matter—paper 2

Roma M. Harris, C. Nadine Wathen & Jana M. Fear

Searching for health information in rural Canada. Where do residents look for health information and what do they do when they find it?

Martin Rose

The information activity of rail passenger information staff: a foundation for information system requirements

Martin Whittle, Barry Eaglestone, Nigel Ford, Valerie J. Gillet and Andrew Madden

Query transformations and their role in Web searching by the general public

Julie A. Hersberger, Adam L. Murray and S.M. Sokoloff

The information use environment of abused and neglected children

Lynne (E.F.) McKechnie, Heidi Julien, Jennifer L. Pecoskie and Christopher M. Dixon

The presentation of the information user in reports of information behaviour research

Hilary Hughes

Responses and influences: a model of online information use for learning.

Louise Limberg and Olof Sundin

Teaching information seeking: relating information literacy education to theories of information behaviour

Xiaoli Huang and Dagobert Soergel

An evidence perspective on topical relevance types and its implications for exploratory and task-based retrieval

Jenna Hartel

Information activities and resources in an episode of gourmet cooking

Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson

Uncertainty in action: observing information seeking within the creative processes of scholarly research

Kirsty Williamson and Joy McGregor

Information use and secondary school students: a model for understanding plagiarism

Other peer-reviewed papers

Mike Thelwall and Iina Hellsten

The BBC, Daily Telegraph and Wikinews timelines of the terrorist attacks of 7th July 2006 in London: a comparison with contemporary discussions

Pertti Vakkari and Sanna Talja

Searching for electronic journal articles to support academic tasks. A case study of the use of the Finnish National Electronic Library (FinELib)

ball  Resúmenes en Español

  Watch this: Ajax, YUI and Web 2.0 — one of a series of occasional columns by Terrence A. Brooks of the Information School, University of Washington, USA.

Looking for something else?


Call for papers: Activity Theory and Information Studies


ball  Alexander, G., Wilson, J. B., and Williams, J. H. Current essays and reports in information retrieval and data mining: an annotated bibliography of shorter monographs. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005.

ball  Bowker, Geoffrey C. Memory proactices in the sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.

ball  EndNote X. Carlsbad, CA: Thomson ResearchSoft, 2006.

ball  Grover, Chris and Brundage, Barbara. Digital photography. The missing manual. Sebastopol, CA: Pogue Press/O'Reilly, 2006.

ball  Herrero, Leandro. The leader with seven faces. Beaconsfield, UK: Meeting Minds Publishing, 2006.

ball  Hinton, Matthew (ed.). Introducing information management: the business approach Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.

ball  Jacobs, Neil (Ed.) Open access: key strategic, technical and economic aspects. Oxford: Chandos Publishing Ltd., 2006.

ball  Jupp, Victor (Ed.) The SAGE dictionary of social research methods. London: SAGE Publications, 2006.

ball  Lankes, R.D., Abels, E.G., White, M.D. and Haque, S.N. (eds.) The virtual reference desk: creating reference future. London: Facet, 2006.

ball  Lehtinen, R., Russell, D. and Gangemi, G.T. Computer security basics. 2nd. ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2006.

ball  Limberg, Louise and Folkesson, Lena. Undervisning i informationssökning: slutrapport från projektet Informationssökning, didaktik och lärande (IDOL). [Teaching information seeking. Final report on the project Information seeking, didactics and learning (IDOL)] Borås: Valfrid, 2006.

ball  Siess, Judith A. The new OPL sourcebook: a guide for solo and small libraries. Medford (NJ): Information Today, Inc., 2006.

What's in the open access e-journals?

Conference announcements

ball A message to Conference organizers.

First International Symposium on Information Interaction in Context (IIiX) 18-20 October, 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark

International Conference on Digital Libraries, 5-8 December, 2006, New Delhi, India

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Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson with technical support from Lund University, Sweden and editorial support from the Swedish School of Librarianship and Information Science, Högskolan in Borås.
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