
Pamela J. McKenzie
Informing relationships: small talk, informing and relationship building in midwife-woman interaction
Javier Guallar and Ernest Abadal
The digital press archives of the leading Spanish online newspapers
Lin-Chih Chen
Using a two-stage technique to design a keyword suggestion system
Alesia Zuccala
Open access and civic scientific information literacy
Sujin Kim
A conceptual framework of information requirements for scientists using human biological samples

ball Resúmenes en Español

Watch this: Probe the Semantic Web with SPARQL — one of a series of occasional columns by Terrence A. Brooks of the Information School, University of Washington, USA.


ball  Grant, Kevin, Hackney, Ray & Edgar, David. Strategic information systems management. Andover, UK: Cengage Learning, 2010.
ball  Hock, Randolph. The extreme searcher's Internet handbook. A guide for the serious searcher. 3rd. ed. Medford, NJ: CyberAge Books (an imprint of Information Today, Inc.), 2010.
ball  Olson, Gary M., Zimmerman, Anna, and Bos, Nathan (Eds.). Scientific collaboration on the Internet. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008.
ball  Schultz, Robert A. Information technology and the ethics of globalization: transnational issues and implications. Hershey, NY: Information Science Reference, 2009.
ball  Theimer, Kate. Web 2.0 tools and strategies for archives and local history collections. London: Facet Publishing, 2010.
ball  Thelwall, Michael. Introduction to webometrics: quantitative web research for the social sciences. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool, 2009.

What's in the open access e-journals?

Conference announcements

ball �� A message to Conference organizers.

INFORUM 2010, May 25 - 27, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Murcia, Spain, 28 September to 2 October, 2010.

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