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Volume 8 No 2 January, 2003


Special Luso-Hispanic issue, edited by José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz

Judith Licea de Arenas, Emma Santillan-Rivero, Miguel Arenas, and Javier Valles

Desempeño de becarios Mexicanos en la producción de conocimiento cientifico ¿de la bibliometria a la politica cientifica?

Francisco Javier Mart�nez Méndez y José Vicente Rodríguez Muñoz

S�ntesis y cr�tica de las evaluaciones de la efectividad de los motores de b�squeda en la Web

Miguel-Ángel Sicilia, Elena García, Ignacio Aedo and Paloma Díaz

A literature-based approach to annotation and browsing of Web resources

Other refereed papers

Debbie Ellen

Telecentres and the provision of community based access to electronic information in everyday life in the UK

Micaela Waldman

Freshmen's use of library electronic resources and self-efficacy

ball  Resúmenes en Español

Watch this: corralling wild bits — one of a series of occasional columns by Terrence A. Brooks of the Information School, University of Washington, USA.


ball  EndNote 6.0.    Berkeley, CA: Thomson/ISI ResearchSoft, © 2002.

ball  Bell, David. An introduction to cybercultures. London: Routledge, 2001.

ball  Brinck, T., Gergle, D. and Wood, S.D. Usability for the Web: designing Web sites that work. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002.

ball  Browning, Graeme. Electronic democracy: using the Internet to transform American politics. 2nd ed. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2002.

ball  Deegan, Marilyn and Tanner, Simon. Digital Futures: strategies for the information age. London: Library Association Publishing, 2002.  Review in Portuguese and English

ball  Fuller, Steve. Knowledge management foundations. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.

ball  Goodman, Danny Dynamic HTML: the definitive reference. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2002.

ball  Heinstr�m, Jannica Fast surfers, broad scanners and deep divers. Personality and information-seeking behaviour. Turku (�bo): �bo Akademi University Press, 2002.

ball  Limberg, Louise, Hultgren, Frances &Jarneving, Bo. Informationss�kning och l�rande: en forsknings�versikt [Information seeking and learning: an overview of research] Skolverkets: Stockholm, 2002

ball  Lynch, Patrick J. & Horton, Sarah Web style guide. 2nd ed. New Haven, CT; London: Yale University Press, 2001.

ball  McElroy, Mark W. The new knowledge management. Complexity, learning, and sustainable innovation. Boston, MA: KMCI Press, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003

ball  Middleton, Michael. Information management: a consolidation of operations analysis and strategy. Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt University, Centre for Information Studies, 2002.

ball  Musciano, Chuck. and Kennedy, Bill HTML & XHTML: the definitive guide. 5th ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2002.

ball  Sachs, T. and McClain, G. Back to the user: creating user-focused Web sites. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders, 2002.

ball  The Web design CD bookshelf. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly. [CD rom with the text of six books on Web design, plus print copy of Web design in a nutshell, by J. Niederst. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2001.

What's in the open access e-journals?

Conference announcements

ball A message to Conference organizers.

iSHIMR 2003, The Eighth International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, Bor�s, Sweden, 1-3 JUNE 2003

Conference announcement: Toward a user-centred approach to digital libraries, Espoo, Finland, 8-9 September 2003

ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) 2004, Dublin, Ireland, 1-3 September 2004

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Information Research: an international electronic journal, is published four times a year by Professor Tom Wilson with technical support from Lund University, Sweden and editorial support from the Swedish School of Librarianship and Information Science, Högskolan in Borås.
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