
Hemalata Iyer

A profession in transition: towards development and implementation of standards for visual resources management. Part B - the professional's perspective and beyond
Jacek Gwizdka

What a difference a tag cloud makes: effects of tasks and cognitive abilities on search results interface use
Remedios Melero, Ernest Abadal, Francisca Abad and Josep Manel Rodríguez-Gairín

The situation of open access institutional repositories in Spain: 2009 report
Derek Hansen, Margeaux Johnson, Elizabeth Norton and Anne McDonough

Virtual provider pessimism: analysing instant messaging reference encounters with the pair perception comparison method
A. Popovič, P. S. Coelho and J. Jaklič

The impact of business intelligence system maturity on information quality
Olof Sundin and Helena Francke

In search of credibility: pupils' information practices in learning environments
Elena Maceviciute and T.D. Wilson

A Delphi investigation into the research needs in Swedish librarianship
Ana Maria Morales García, Mercedes Caridad Sebastián y Fatima García López

Los telecentros españoles: recursos, servicios y propuesta de indicadores para su evaluación.
A.G. López-Herrera, M.J. Cobo, E. Herrera-Viedma, F. Herrera, R. Bailón-Moreno and E. Jiménez-Contreras

Visualization and evolution of the scientific structure of fuzzy sets research in Spain
J.A. Pastor, F.J. Martínez and J.V. Rodrííguez

Advantages of thesauri representation with the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) compared with other proposed alternatives for the design of a web-based thesauri management system

Letters to the Editor

Peder Olesen Larsen
The publication activity of Region Västra Götaland: a critical comment.
Bo Jarneving
Reply to Larsen: 'The publication activity of Region Västra Götaland: a critical comment'

ball Resúmenes en Español

Watch this: Probe the Semantic Web with SPARQL — one of a series of occasional columns by Terrence A. Brooks of the Information School, University of Washington, USA.


ball  Crandall, Michael and Fisher, Karen E. (Eds.). Digital inclusion: measuring the impact of information and community technology. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2009.
ball  Cronin, Blaise (Ed.). Annual review of information science and technology Volume 44, 2010. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2010.
ball  Deegan, Marilyn and Sutherland, Kathryn. Text editing, print and digital world. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.
ball  Dyrbye, Martin, Mäkinen, Ilkka, Reimo, Tiu and Torstensson, Magnus (Eds.). Library spirit in the Nordic and Baltic countries: historical perspectives. Tampere, Finland: HIBOLIRE, 2009.
ball  EndNote X3, Thomson ResearchSoft, 2009
ball  Jarvis, Jeff. What would Google do? New York, NY: Collins Business, 2009.
ball  Lawal, Ibironke O. Library and information science research in the 21st century: a guide for practising librarians and students. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2009.
ball  McFarland, David Sawyer. CSS: the missing manual. 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc. 2009.
ball  Markless, Sharon (Ed.). The innovative school librarian: thinking outside the box. London: Facet Publishing, 2009.
ball  Morrison, Heather. Scholarly communication for librarians. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2009.
ball  Seibold, Chris Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Pocket guide Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2009.
ball  Torras, Maria-Carme and Saetre, Tove Pemmer. Information literacy education: a process approach. Professionalising the pedagogical role of academic librarie Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2009.
ball  Williams, Robin. The non-designer's presentation book: principles for effective presentation design. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 2009.

What's in the open access e-journals?

Conference announcements

ball A message to Conference organizers.

ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Murcia, Spain, 28 September to 2 October, 2010.

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